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德国波恩大学Armin Cremers副校长和农学院Jens Léon院长学术报告

发布时间:2014-07-17 字体大小 T |T

应学校邀请,德国波恩大学Armin Cremers副校长和农学院Jens Léon院长将于721(星期一)访问我院并做学术报告,欢迎全院师生参加。



题目:Armin Cremers副校长  Overview of the Bonn Competence Network in Crop Sensors

                           and Data Analysis

           Jens Léon院长   Combating soil salinity through genetic approach

                           in crops

Armin Cremers副校长简历:

l  1971-1973: Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Karlsruhe

l  1973-1976: Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

l  1976-1988: Visiting Research Professor, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

l  1976-1990: Full Professor, Information Systems Chair, University of Dortmund

l  1983-1985: Chairman, Department of Informatics, University of Dortmund

l  1985-1990: Vice Rector, Science and Research, University of Dortmund

l  1990-to date: Full Professor, Institute of Informatics, University of Bonn

l  1997-1999: Chairman, Divison of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bonn

l  2000-2004: Chairman Finance Committee, School of Mathematics and Science, Associate Dean

l  2004-2008: Dean, School of Mathematics and Science, University of Bonn

l  2009-to date: University Vice President


Jens Léon院长简介:

    Jens Léon教授现任德国波恩大学农学院院长,主要从事盐碱地小麦种质资源利用、品种选育等研究工作。在HeredityBMC GeneticsMolecular BreedingTheoretical and Applied Genetics等国际农业领域知名期刊发表多篇研究论文。