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Title: Seed viability, germination and dormancy of Nitraria roborowskii (N itrariaceae)
Authors: Y.J. ZENG, J.P. WEI, L. YU AND Y.R. WANG
Journal: Seed Sci. & Technol.(农林科学 4区)
Impact Factor: 0.521(2015年)
Abstract:Nitraria roborowskii seeds were collected from plants in the desert of north-west China. Seed viability, germination response to temperature and dormancy characteristics were investigated. The tested seeds showed approximately 73% viability. The best values for germination percentage (GP), germination index and mean germination time were observed at 30°C. The sub-optimum temperatures for germination were 35°C, 20/30°C and 25/35°C. Temperatures below 25°C were unfavourable for seed germination. N. roborowskii seeds showed widely dispersed germination patterns. The highest GP occurred after 13 days of incubation at 30°C. The following parameters were recorded: thousand-seed weight, 44.96 g; drupe length, 7.08 mm; drupe width, 3.57 mm; putamen thickness, 0.95 mm; and pit number, 11.27 pits per drupe.