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报告一:Environmental Migration: The Implications of Climate Change, Demographic Dynamics, Globalization, and Geopolitics
迟光清博士,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学农业经济、社会与教育学系副教授(终身),社会科学研究院和人口研究院运算与空间分析部的主任。主要从事人口学、人口与环境的互动变化、智慧城市和弹性基础设施系统等方面的研究。目前担任Demography代理主编、Spatial Demography编委会委员。已发表各类学术期刊或会议论文50余篇,其中包括以第一、唯一作者发表的SCI/SSCI检索论文30余篇。论文发表在人口学、社会学、环境学、地理学、区域规划、健康学等多个领域的国际顶级期刊,包括:Demography、Landscape and Urban Planning、American Journal of Public Health、Journal of Transport Geography等。作为项目负责人或联合负责人主持过近20项科研项目,已获得超过600万美元的经费支持。资助方包括美国国家科学基金委员会、健康委员会、航空航天局、交通部等多家单位。邮件:gchi@psu.edu;个人网页:http://www.landdevelopability.org/chi。
One direct impact of climate change is human migration. Environment-related migration has significant impacts on the well-being of migrants and has reciprocal effects on landscape structure and ecosystem services. The dynamics is even stronger in rural drylands as they face forces from multiple directions: climate change and subsequent changes in landscape structure and ecosystem services, out-migration of the young and subsequent remittances and brain drain, rapid population growth and demographic structure changes, globalization, and government interventions and geopolitics. This presentation includes two parts. One is about the ecological migration in rural drylands of Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and China within the coupled human and natural system framework. The other is about amenity-driven rural migration in the U.S.
报告二:Revealing climate change opinions through investment behavior: Evidence from Fukushima
雷震博士先后获得两个博士学位,分别毕业于北京大学医学部(理学博士)、美国加州大学伯克利分校农业与资源经济系(经济学博士),曾在加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究。现为能源与环境经济学助理教授(tenure track),任职于宾夕法尼亚州立大学帕克分校(The Pennsylvania State University, University Park)地球与矿产科学学院能源与采矿工程系。主要从事创新创业与知识产权、科技政策、能源与环境政策分析、大数据和数据挖掘等方面的研究。雷震博士是美国经济学会、美国农业与应用经济学会、国际能源经济学会、中国留美经济学会等学术机构会员,主持了包括美国国家自然科学基金课题在内的多项课题,并在Nature、Nature Biotechnology等顶级学术刊物上发表多篇文章。
In this study we present a novel research approach to obtaining behavior-based evidence of regional climate change attitudes, using the 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant incident as a natural experiment. Our approach allows us to produce the first non-survey-based empirical evidence of a trans-Atlantic divide in public opinion on the environment and climate change that investors assign to fossil-based and renewable energy. This value is based on the perceived potential of these fuel types to substitute for nuclear generation in the aftermath of the Fukushima crisis. We carry out an event study to examine differences in abnormal returns of global coal and renewable energy companies on European and American stock exchanges. We find that investors trading on U.S. markets exhibit a significantly more favorable perception of coal stock profitability, while investors trading on European exchanges display a more favorable perception about profitability of renewable energy stocks.