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2018.9.13“草业珠峰讲坛”第三十五期——John Caradus院士

发布时间:2018-09-12 字体大小 T |T

应学院和国家重点实验室邀请,受国家外专局引智项目支持,新西兰皇家科学院院士、新西兰草地农业研究所高级研究员John Caradus博士于近日访问bet356唯一官网体育并作客草业珠峰讲坛第三十五期,欢迎广大师生积极参加!

题目:Commercialisation of Research for Farmer Benefit

时间:913 (星期三)14:30-1600



John Caradus博士,新西兰皇家科学院院士,新西兰皇家学会生物和生命科学顾问,新西兰国家农业研究中心(AgResearch)全资子公司草地技术有限责任公司(Grasslanz Technology Ltd.)首席执行官。John Caradus博士曾任新西兰国家农业研究中心主任及其Dexcel公司首席执行官,在农业领域研究、特别是植物育种方面具有特别突出的贡献。John Caradus博士曾当选为新西兰皇家科学院特别会员,新西兰国家农业科学研究所及新西兰农学会荣誉会员,新西兰农业科学研究中心、新西兰草地学会及新西兰植物育种和研究学会主席。2007年,草地技术有限公司获得美国商会(AMCHAMP)入围奖;2010年获得新西兰最佳国际知识产权商业化贸易与企业奖;2011年由于在澳新防鸟草技术研发中的突出贡献而获得杜邦创新奖;2012年获得新西兰农业技术领域高科技奖。

 John Caradus is Chief Executive of Grasslanz Technology Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of AgResearch Ltd, based in New Zealand. In 2007 Grasslanz Technology was a finalist in the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAMP) awards, and in 2010 won the NZ Trade and Enterprise award for best commercialisation of intellectual property internationally. In 2011 it won the DuPont Innovation Awards for Australasia in the ‘performance material’ category for a bird deterrent grass technology. And in 2012 it won the NZ Hi-Tech Award in the Agritech sector.Previously John was CEO of Dexcel Ltd, and a Science General Manager for AgResearch. John has a background in agricultural research with particular emphasis on plant breeding. John was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ) in 2006 and is also a Honorary Fellow New Zealand Institute Agricultural Science, and Fellow Agronomy Society New Zealand. He is a Past President of the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural Science, the New Zealand Grassland Association and the New Zealand Plant Breeding and Research Association (NZPBRA). He is currently on the RSNZ Council representing Biological and Life Sciences, and is President of the RSNZ Academy of Fellows.