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1. 禾草内生真菌共生体的抗旱机理研究
2. 禾草内生真菌对宿主植物继代遗传影响的机理研究
2013.09-2018.06:bet356唯一官网体育,bat365在线官网登录入口,草学专业,获农学博士学位(硕博连读),导师:南志标 院士;
2019.06-2019.08:美国蒙大拿大学弗拉特黑德湖生物试验站(Flathead Lake Biological Station),访问学习;
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:内生真菌通过继代影响提高醉马草抗旱能力的研究,起至年月:2021.1-2023.12,24万。
2. bet356唯一官网体育“双一流”科研启动费:起至年月:2018.09-2023.08,70万。
3. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金优秀研究生创新项目:醉马草-内生真菌共生体地上/地下解剖结构及根系生长发育对干旱胁迫的响应,起止年月:2016.1-2017.12,2万。
发表科研论文21篇,其中SCI 14篇,中文核心7篇,详见https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chao-Xia-6/research.
1. Xia C., Li N.N., Zhang Y.W., Li C.J., Zhang X.X.*, Nan Z.B.* Role of Epichlo? endophytes in defense responses of cool-season grasses to pathogens: a review. Plant Disease, 2018, 102(11): 2061-2073.
2. Xia C., Christensen M.J., Zhang X.X.*, Nan Z.B.* Effect of Epichlo? gansuensis endophyte and transgenerational effects on the water use efficiency, nutrient and biomass accumulation of Achnatherum inebrians under soil water deficit. Plant and Soil, 2018, 424(1-2):555-571.
3. Xia C., Li N.N., Zhang X.X.*, Feng Y., Christensen M.J., Nan Z.B. An Epichlo? endophyte improves photosynthetic ability and dry matter production of its host Achnatherum inebrians infected by Blumeria graminis under various soil water conditions. Fungal Ecology, 2016, 22: 26-34.
4. Xia C., Zhang X.X., Christensen M.J., Nan Z.B.*, Li C.J. Epichlo? endophyte affects the ability of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) to colonise drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Fungal Ecology, 2015, 16: 26-33.
5. Li N.N#, Xia C.#, Zhong R., Ju Y.W., Nan Z.B., Christensen M.J., Zhang X.X.* Interactive effects of water stress and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) on alkaloid production of Achnatherum inebrians infected by Epichlo? endophyte. Science China-Life Sciences, 2018, 61(7): 864-866.
6. Zhong R.#, Xia C.#, Ju Y.W., Zhang X.X.*, Nan Z.B., Christensen M.J. Effects of Epichlo? gansuensis on root-associated fungal communities of Achnatherum inebrians under different growth conditions. Fungal Ecology, 2018, 31: 29-36.
7. 王石岩, 夏超*. 牧草和草坪草中的真菌病毒. 草业科学, 2021, 38(4): 1-9.
8. 崔雪莲, 夏超*. 外源脱落酸对醉马草内生真菌共生体幼苗建植过程的影响. 草业学报, 2020, 29(7): 70-80.
9. 夏超, 钟睿, 张兴旭*, 南志标. 醉马草挥发油对多年生黑麦草种子萌发及幼苗生理变化的影响. 草业科学, 2015, 32: 658-666.
1. 2018.12 2017-2018学年甘肃省优秀博士学位论文。
2. 2018.12 2018届bet356唯一官网体育优秀博士学位论文。
3. 2015.12 博士研究生国家奖学金。