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2021.8?至今 bat365在线官网登录入口,副教授

2021.4?2021.7 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,生态与农业研究室,副研究员

2016.7?2021.3 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,生态与农业研究室,助理研究员


2011.7?2016.6 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,生态与农业研究室,助理研究员



1.   横向项目:祁连山国家级自然保护区草原监测评价项目,2022.5-2022.12

2.   横向项目:甘肃省林业和草原局甘肃省草原监测评价项目,2022.1-2022.12

3.   国家重点研发计划项目子课题:半干旱半湿润沙地?盐渍化土地油沙豆防风耐盐碱高效技术模式与示范(2019YFC0507603),2019.7-2022.6

4.   第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子专题:重大建设工程的生态风险与生态修复(2019QZKK0403?4),2019.7?2022.6

5.   国家重点研发计划项目专题:绿洲作物?土壤?水分耦合作用机制及水土高效利用研究(2017YFC0504302-01),2017.7?2020.12

6.   宁夏农业综合开发科技推广项目:宁夏盐池县流动沙丘治理和退化草场恢复技术及示范推广,2016.3?2017.11

7.    国家自然科学基金青年基金:典型红砂?珍珠荒漠灌丛群落碳通量对降水量变化的响应及其机制(41401112),2015.1?2017.12

8.   中国科学院西部之光“博士项目”:降雨变化对典型荒漠灌丛群落碳交换关键过程的影响(29Y32991),2013.1?2016.12


五、代表性论文(*Corresponding author

1.   Wang ZR, Niu DC, Hu YG, et al., 2022. Changes in soil phosphorus fractions associated with altered vegetation and edaphic conditions across a chronosequence of revegetated dunes in a desert area, Geoderma, 424, 115995.

2.   Wang ZR, Li FR, Liu LL, et al., 2022. Changes in soil phosphorus fractions under different land uses in desert grasslands in northwestern China, European Journal of Soil Science, DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13255.

3.   Liu WH, Wang ZR, Li Ren, Wu TH. 2022. A bibliometric analysis of mountain ecosystem services, 2000-2019. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 29(11):16633-16652.

4.   Liu YB, Wang YS, Wang ZR, et al., 2022. Characteristics of iron cycle and its driving mechanism during the development of biological soil crusts associated with desert revegetation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 164:108487.

5.   Liu YB, Wang ZR, Wu SJ, et al., 2022. Microbial metal homeostasis of biological soil crusts as a mechanism for promoting soil restoration during desert revegetation, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 169:108659.

6.   Shi YF, Wang ZR, Xu BX, et al., 2022. Rainfall amount determines annual herb controls over soil seed bank and its similarity with vegetation in the Tengger Desert, Ecological Processes, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-021-00346-w

7.   Hu YG, Wang ZR, Zhang ZS, et al., 2021. Alteration of desert soil microbial community structure in response to agricultural reclamation and abandonment, Catena, 207, 105678.

8.   Liu WH, Zheng JW, Wang ZR, et al., 2021. A bibliometric review of ecological research on the Qinghai?Tibet Plateau, 1990-2019, Ecological Informatics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101337.

9.   Wang ZR, Wang YS, Zhang WL, et al., 2020. Potential complementary functions among bacteria, fungi and archaea involved in carbon cycle during reversal of desertification. Land Degradation & Development, http://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3804.

10.  Wang ZR, Liu YB, Zhao LN. 2020. Development of fungal community is a potential indicator for evaluating the stability of biological soil crusts in temperate desert revegetation. Applied Soil Ecology, 147, 103404.

11.  Zhao LN, Liu YB, Wang ZR, et al., 2020. Bacteria and fungi differentially contribute to carbon and nitrogen cycles during biological soil crust succession in arid desert ecosystems. Plant and Soil, 447, 379?392.

12.  Zhang WL, Liu YB, Wang ZR, et al., 2020. Short?Term Effects of Eco?Friendly Fertilizers on a Soil Bacterial Community in the Topsoil and Rhizosphere of an Irrigated Agroecosystem. Sustainability, 12: 4803.

13.  Wang ZR, Liu YB, Zhao LN, et al., 2019. Change of soil microbial community under long?term fertilization in a reclaimed sandy agricultural ecosystem. Peer J, 7: e6497.

14.  Liu YB, Wang ZR, Zhao LN, et al., 2019. Differences in bacterial community structure between three types of biological soil crusts and soil below crusts from the Gurbantunggut Desert, China. European Journal of Soil Science, 1?14.

15.  Yang HT, Wang ZR*, Li XJ, Gao YH. 2019. Vegetation restoration drives the dynamics and distribution of nitrogen and phosphorous pools in a temperate desert soil?plant system. Journal of Environmental Management, 245: 200?209.

16.  Zhao LN, Li XR, Wang ZR, et al., 2019. Identification of exopolysaccharide?producing Bacillus tequilensis CGMCC 17603 in biological soil crusts of desert ecosystems. Sustainability, 11(22): 6501.

17.   Liu YB, Zhao LN, Wang ZR, et al., 2018. Changes in functional gene structure and metabolic potential of the microbial community in biological soil crusts along a revegetation chronosequence in the Tengger Desert. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 126, 40?48.

18.  Hu YG, Wang ZR, Wang Q, et al., 2017. Climate change affects soil labile organic carbon fractions in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(2): 326?339.

19.  Yang HT, Wang ZR, Tan HJ, et al., 2017. Allometric models for estimating shrub biomass in desert grassland in northern China. Arid Land Research and Management, 31(3): 283?300.

20.  Zhao RM, Hui R, Wang ZR, et al., 2016. Winter snowfall can have a positive effect on photosynthetic carbon fixation and biomass accumulation of biological soil crusts from the Gurbantunggut Desert, China. Ecological Research, 31(2): 251?262.

21.  Yang HT, Li XR, Wang ZR, et al., 2014. Carbon sequestration capacity of shifting sand dune after establishing new vegetation in the Tengger Desert, northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 478: 1?11.

22.  Wang ZR, Yang GJ, Yi SH, et al., 2012. Effects of environmental factors on the distribution of plant communities in a semi?arid region of the Qinghai?Tibet Plateau. Ecological Research, 2012. 27(4): 667?675.

23.  Wang ZR, Yang GJ, Yi SH, et al., 2012. Different response of vegetation to permafrost change in semi?arid and semi?humid regions in Qinghai?Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66(3): 985?991.

24.  Wang ZR, Xu HL, Yin LK, et al., 2009, Effects of water treatments on activating soil seed bank?a case study on lower reaches of Tarim River. Progress in Nature science: Materials International, 19(6): 733?740.



1.   王增如, 李新荣, 杨昊天, 高艳红. 野外全自动增减雨装置, 授权号: CN104820067B. (发明专利)

2.   王增如, 李新荣, 刘立超, 高艳红, 杨昊天. 一种基于箱式法和考虑降水影响的干旱区碳通量估算方法, 授权号: CN105701360B. (发明专利)

3.   赵丽娜, 刘玉冰, 王增如, 黄文广, 张宇, 王蕾, 罗晓玲. 用于沙区土壤改良的微生物组合物、微生物制剂以及方法,授权号:CN110218683B, (发明专利)

4.   刘玉冰, 赵丽娜, 王增如, 黄文广, 张宇, 王蕾, 罗晓玲. 特基拉芽孢杆菌及其在荒漠化防治中的应用和方法, 授权号:CN110257295B, (发明专利)

5.   王增如, 刘立超, 胡宜刚, 王炳尧, 谢敏. 一种野外模拟地下滴灌的便携式装置, 授权号: CN206489034U. (实用新型)

6.   王增如, 刘立超, 胡宜刚, 王炳尧, 谢敏. 一种野外模拟地下滴灌的便携式装置, 授权号: CN206489034U. (实用新型)

7.   王增如, 郭胜安, 冒万兵, 刘立超, 胡宜刚, 高艳红, 杨昊天. 一种荒漠细小种子的无覆土智能萌发装置, 授权号: CN205611195U. (实用新型)

8.   刘立超, 王增如, 刘玉冰, 杨昊天, 高艳红. 一种新型枸杞清洗脱蜡装置, 授权号: CN206062071U. (实用新型)

9.   刘立超, 王增如, 刘玉冰, 杨昊天, 高艳红. 一种枸杞脱蜡装置,授权号: CN206062081U. (实用新型)

10.  王炳尧, 王增如, 刘立超, 谢敏. 一种悬挂直插式地下滴灌灌溉系统, 授权号: CN207604313U. (实用新型)

11.  王炳尧, 王增如, 刘立超, 谢敏. 一种基于土壤水分入渗动态的地下滴灌模拟试验装置, 授权号: CN206575982U. (实用新型)



1.  《第三次气候变化国家评估报告》2016,科学出版社

2.  《第四次气候变化国家评估报告》2020,科学出版社

3.  《西北地区生态变化评估报告》2017,科学出版社



1.  2020年入选宁夏青年拔尖人才培养工程

2.  2008年获中科院地奥奖学金二等奖





