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发布时间:2022-05-09 字体大小 T |T


胡涛,湖北武汉人,博士,教授。2012年毕业于中国科学院大学并获得博士学位。主要从事饲草种质创新和抗性分子机理研究。已发表科研论文38篇,代表性论文发表于Cell ReportsPlant PhysiologyJournal of Integrative Plant Biology, Plant Communications等期刊,论文被Nature PlantsPlant CellPNASNature Communications等期刊多次引用。











2022/04-至今,   bet356唯一官网体育,bat365在线官网登录入口,教授



















五、主要科研成果(# Co-first author* Correspondence author

1. Xu Huawei*, Wang Huihui, Zhang Yanwen, Yang Xiaoyi, Lv Shufang, Hou Dianyun, Mo Changru, Misganaw Wassie, Yu Bo, Hu Tao*. A synthetic light-inducible photorespiratory bypass enhances photosynthesis to improve rice growth and grain yield. Plant Communications, 2023, 4:100641.

2. Chen Qingchao, Hu Tao, Li Xiaohua, Song Chunpeng, Zhu Jiankang, Chen Liqing, Zhao?Yang*. Phosphorylation of SWEET sucrose transporters regulates plant root: shoot ratio under drought. Nature Plants. 2022, 8: 68?77.

3. Bi Aoyue#, Wang Tao#, Wang Guangyang, Zhang Liang, Wassie Misganaw, Amee Maurice, Xu Huawei, Hu Zhengrong, Liu Ao, Fu Jinmin, Chen Liang, Hu Tao*. Stress memory gene FaHSP17.8-CII controls thermotolerance via remodeling PSII and ROS signaling in tall fescue. Plant Physiology, 2021, 187: 1163?1176.

4.Zhang Liang#, Wang Tao#, Wang Guangyang, Bi Aoyue, Misganaw Wassie, Xie Yan, Cao Liwen, Xu Huawei, Fu Jinmin, Chen Liang*, Zhao Yang*, Hu Tao*. Simultaneous gene editing of three homoeoalleles in self-incompatible allohexaploid grasses. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2021, 63: 1410?1415.

5.Hu Tao, Wang Tao, Wang Guangyang, Bi Aoyue, Wassie Misganaw, Xie Yan, Xu Huawei, Chen Liang*. Overexpression of FaHSP17.8-CII improves cadmium accumulation and tolerance in tall fescue shoots by promoting chloroplast stability and photosynthetic electron transfer of PSII. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 417: 125932.

6.Wang Tao, Maurice Amee, Wang Guangyang, Xie Yan, Hu Tao*, Xu Huawei*. FaHSP17.8-CII orchestrates lead tolerance and accumulation in shoots via enhancing antioxidant enzymatic response and PSII activity in tall fescue. Ecotox Environ Safe, 2021, 223: 112568.

7.Hu Tao, Sun Xiaoyan, Zhao Zhuangjun, Erick Amombo, Fu Jinmin*. High temperature damage to fatty acids and carbohydrate metabolism in tall fescue by coupling deep transcriptome and metabolome analysis. Ecotox Environ Safe, 2020, 203: 110943.

8.Hu Tao*, Wang Tao, Li Huiying, Misganaw Wassie, Xu Huawei, Chen Liang*. Genome-wide small RNA profiling reveals tiller development in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb). BMC Genomics, 2020, 21: 696.

9.Zhao Y#, Zhang ZJ#, Gao JH#, W PC#, Hu T#, Wang ZG, Hou YJ, Wan YZ, Liu WS, Xie SJ, Lu TJ, Xue L, Liu YJ, Macho AP, Tao W, Bressan RA, Zhu JK*. Arabidopsis duodecuple mutant of PYL ABA receptors reveals PYL repression of ABA-independent SnRK2 activity. Cell Reports 2018, 23: 3340?3351,

10.Wang GY, Bi AY, Amombo E, Li HY, Zhang L, Chen C, Hu T*, Fu JM*. Exogenous calcium enhances the photosystem II photochemistry response in salt stressed tall fescue. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017, 8: 2032.

11.Hu T, Chen K, Hu LX, Amombo E, Fu JM*. H2O2 and Ca2+-based signaling and associated ion accumulation, antioxidant systems and secondary metabolism orchestrate the response to NaCl stress in perennial ryegrass. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 36396.

12.Hu T, Jin YP, Li HY, Amombo E, Fu JM*. Stress memory induced transcriptional and metabolic rearrangements of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in response to salt stress. Physiologia Plantarum, 2016, 156: 54-69.

13.Bi AY, Fan JB, Hu ZR, Wang GY, Amombo E, Fu JM*, Hu T*. Differential Acclimation of Enzymatic Antioxidant Metabolism and Photosystem II Photochemistry in Tall Fescue under Drought and Heat and the Combined Stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016, 7:453.

14.Sun XY, Ren J, Xie Y, Amombo E, Hu T*, Fu JM*. Association of SSR markers with functional traits from heat stress in diverse tall fescue accessions. BMC Plant Biology, 2015, 15:116.

15.Sun XY, Xie Y, Bi YF, Liu JP, Amombo E, Hu T*, Fu JM*. Comparative study of diversity based on heat tolerant-related morpho-physiological traits and molecular markers in tall fescue accessions. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:18213.

16.Hu T, Liu SQ, Amombo E, Fu JM*. Stress memory induced photosystem II biochemical, protein and metabolic rearrangements of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in response to high-temperature stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 403.

17.Hu T, Sun XY, Zhang XZ, Nevo E*, Fu JM*. An RNA sequencing transcriptome analysis of the high-temperature stressed tall fescue reveals novel insights into plant thermotolerance. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15:1147.

18.Hu T, Zhang XZ, Sun JM, Li HY*, Fu JM*. Leaf functional traits variation associated with salt tolerance in perennial ryegrass. Plant Biology, 2014, 16: 107-116.

19.Hu T, Hu LX, Zhang XZ, Zhang PP, Zhao ZJ, Fu JM*. Differential responses of CO2 assimilation, carbohydrate allocation and gene expression to NaCl stress in perennial ryegrass with different salt tolerance. PLoS One, 2013, 8(6): e66090.

20.Hu T, Li HY, Hu LX, Fu JM*. Stomatal and Metabolic Limitations to Photosynthesis Resulting from NaCl Stress in Perennial Ryegrass Genotypes Differing in Salt Tolerance. J Am Soc Hortic Sci, 2013, 138(5): 350?357.

21.Hu T, Li HY, Zhang XZ, Luo HJ, Fu JM*. Toxic effect of NaCl on ion metabolism, antioxidative enzymes and gene expression of perennial ryegrass. Ecotox Environ Safe, 2011, 74: 2050-2056.

22.Hu T, Li HY, Li DY, Sun JM, Fu JM*. Assessing genetic diversity of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) from four continents by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Afr J Biotechnol, 2011, 10: 19365-19374.

23.Wang Guangyang, Xing Meiling, Hu Tao, Ji Mingxia, Li Xiaoning, Eric Amombo, Shao An, Xu Xiao, Fu Jinmin*. Photosystem II photochemical adjustment of tall fescue against heat stress after melatonin priming. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2022, 275:153758.

24.Zhu Yingfang, Huang Pengcheng, Guo Pengcheng, Chong Leelyn, Yu Gaobo, Sun Xiaoli, Hu Tao, Li Yuan, Hsu Chuan-Chih, Tang Kai, Zhou Yun, Zhao Chunzhao, Tao W. Andy, Mengiste Tesfaye, Zhu Jian-Kang*. CDK8 is associated with RAP2.6 and SnRK2.6 and positively modulates abscisic acid signaling and drought response in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 2020, 228(5):1573-1590.

25.Wang YG, Fu FL, Yu HQ, Hu T, Zhang YY, Tao Y, Zhu JK, Zhao Y*, Li WC*. InteractiCon network of core ABA signaling components in maize. Plant Molecular Biology, 2018, 96(3): 245~263.

26.Li HY, Hu T, Amombo E, Fu JM*. Transcriptome profilings of two tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) cultivars in response to lead (Pb) stress. BMC Genomics, 2017, 18:145.

27.Li HY, Hu T, Amombo E, Fu JM*. Genome-wide identification of heat stress-responsive small RNAs in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) by high-throughput sequencing. Journal of plant physiology, 2017, 213: 157?165.

28.Zhang L,  Hu T,  Amombo E, Wang GY, Xie Y*, Fu JM*.The alleviation of heat damage to photosystem II and enzymatic antioxidants by exogenous spermidine in tall fescue. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 01747.

29.Hu LX, Hu T, Zhang XZ, Pang HC, Fu JM*. Exogenous glycine betaine ameliorates the adverse effect of salt stress on perennial ryegrass. J Am Soc Hortic Sci, 2012, 137: 38-46.

30.Li HY, Hu T, Fu JM*. Identification of genes associated with adaptation to NaCl toxicity in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Ecotox Environ Safe, 2012, 79: 153-162.

31.Lou YH, Luo HJ, Hu T, Li HY, Fu JM*. Toxic effects, uptake, and translocation of Cd and Pb in perennial ryegrass. Ecotoxicology, 2013, 22: 207-214.

32.Li HY, Luo HJ, Li DY, Hu T, Fu JM*. Antioxidant enzyme activity and gene expression in respone to lead stress in perennial ryegrass. J Am Soc Hortic Sci, 2012, 137: 1-6.

33.Li HY, Liu L, Lou YH, Hu T, Fu JM*. Genetic diversity of Chinese natural bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) germplasm using ISSR markers. Sci Hortic- Amsterdam, 2011, 127: 555-561.

34.李惠英,娄燕宏, 胡涛,傅金民*. 中国高羊茅种质资源遗传多样性的RAPD分析. 草业学报,2010, 06:208~214.

35.赵状军,胡龙兴, 胡涛,傅金民*. 不同品系高羊茅应答高温胁迫的初级代谢产物分析. 草业学报,2015, 3:58~69.

36.娄燕宏,傅金民*,李惠英,孙建明,刘莉,胡涛. 不同地理种群狗牙根耐寒性研究. 生态科学,2011, 1 :32~37.

37.刘莉,胡涛,傅金民*. 中国沿海地区野生结缕草属分布现状调查与耐盐性评价. 草业科学,2012, 8:1250~1255.

38.郭慧娟,胡涛,傅金民*,苏打碱胁迫对多年生黑麦草的生理影响,草业学报,2012, 1:118~125.





3.Agronomy期刊Guest Editor






