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一、 基本情况
研究方向:1. 内生真菌与植物互作与养分平衡
2. 利用内生真菌进行种质创新与新品种选育
2011.9-2015.6:甘肃农业大学,草业科学,获农学学士学位。 指导老师:赵桂琴教授。
2015.9-2021.6:bet356唯一官网体育, 硕博连读,草学, 获农学博士学位。导师:李春杰教授。
2021年8月-2023年6月: bet356唯一官网体育,bat365在线官网登录入口,萃英博士后。 合作导师:勾晓华教授、李春杰教授。
1. 主持国家自然科学基金-青年基金:禾草内生真菌共生体对盐渍化土壤氮素转化的影响机制 (32201445,2023.01.2025.12);
2. 主持中国博士后科学基金-面上项目:青稞内生真菌新共生体根系分泌物对植物缺氮响应的调控作用及其机制 (2021M701525,2021.08-2023.04);
3. 主持青海省科技厅重大科技专项计划项目:冬虫夏草自然资源保育及产业升级绿色关键技术研究 子课题 青海冬虫夏草产区生境多样性研究 (2021-SF-A4-1,2021.01-2023.12);
4. 主持甘肃省青年科技基金计划:利用内生真菌进行燕麦抗逆种质创新的研究 (22JR5RA532,2022.10-2024.09);
5. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目-优秀研究生创新项目:多年生黑麦草内生真菌共生体新品系筛选和抗性评价(lzujbky-2020-it11,2020.01-2021.12);
6. 参与国家自然科学基金委创新联合基金重点项目:利用禾草内生真菌进行青海禾本科牧草种质创新的研究 (U21A20239,2022.01-2025.12);
7. 参与国家自然科学基金项目面上项目:利用禾草内生真菌进行大麦种质创新及其遗传稳定性研究”(31971756,2020.01-2023.12)。
四、 发表文章
1. Chen ZJ, White J.F, Malik K, Chen H, Jin YY, Yao X, Wei XK, Li CJ*, Nan ZB. (2022). Soil nutrient dynamics relate to Epichlo? endophyte mutualism and nitrogen turnover in a low nitrogen environment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio. 2022.108832 .
2. Chen ZJ, Jin YY, Yao X, Wei XK, Li XZ, Li CJ*, White JF, Nan, ZB. (2021). Gene analysis reveals that leaf litter from Epichlo? endophyte-infected perennial ryegrass alters diversity and abundance of soil microbes involved in nitrification and denitrification. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,154: 108123.
3. Chen ZJ, Li CJ*, Nan ZB, White JF, Jin YY, Wei XK. (2020). Segregation of Lolium perenne into a subpopulation with high infection by endophyte Epichlo? festucae var. lolii results in improved agronomic performance. Plant and Soil, 466:595-612.
4. Chen ZJ, Jin YY, Yao X, Chen TX, Wei XK, Li CJ*, White JF, Nan ZB. (2020). Fungal endophyte improves survival of Lolium perenne in low fertility soils by increasing root growth, metabolic activity and absorption of nutrients. Plant and Soil, 452:185-206.
5. Chen ZJ, Jin YY, Li XZ, Wei XK, Li CJ*, White JF, Nan ZB. (2021). Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Hordeum jubatum (Poaceae: Pooideae: Triticeae) and phylogenetic analysis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6:2933-2935.
6. Jin YY, Chen ZJ, He YL, White JF, Malik K, Chen TX, Li CJ*. (2022). Effects of Achnatherum inebrians ecotypes and endophyte status on plant growth, plant nutrient, soil fertility and soil microbial community. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 86(4):1028-1042.
7. Liu J, Chen ZJ, White JF, Chen TX, Shi Q, Jin YY, Li XZ, Li CJ*. (2022). Ergot alkaloid and endogenous hormones quantities and relationship in Epichlo? endophyte: drunken horse grass are affected by altitude. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 42(3):1-12.
8. Zhai YR, Chen ZJ, Malik K, Wei XK, Li CJ*. (2022). Effect of fungal endophyte Epichlo? bromicola infection on Cd tolerance in wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum). Journal of Fungi Journal 8(4): 366.
9. Liu J, Wang ZF, Chen ZJ, White JF, Malik K, Chen TX, Li CJ*. (2022). Inoculation of barley (Hordeum vulgare) with the endophyte Epichlo? bromicola affects plant growth, and the microbial community in roots and rhizosphere soil. Microorganisms 8(2):172.
10. Jin YY, Wei XK, White JF, Chen TX, Li XZ, Chen ZJ, Li CJ*. (2022). Soil fungal and bacterial communities are altered by incorporation of leaf litter containing a fungal endophyte. European Journal of Soil Science 73(3):e13240.
11. Yao X, Chen ZJ, Wei XK, Chen SH, White JF, Huang X, Li CJ*, Nan ZB. (2020). A toxic grass Achnatherum inebrians serves as a diversity refuge for the soil fungal community in rangelands of northern china. Plant and Soil 448(1):425-438.
12. 陈振江,魏学凯,曹莹,田沛,赵晓静,李春杰*.禾草内生真菌检测方法研究进展. 草业科学, 2017, 034(7):1419-1433.
13. 陈振江,刘静,魏学凯,田沛,曹莹,周景乐,李春杰*. 不同pH砖红壤浸提液和内生真菌对黑麦草幼苗生长生理的影响.西北植物学报. 2017, 7(7):1348-1356.
五、 品种
1. 南志标,李春杰,陈振江,田沛,魏学凯。兰黑1号多年生黑麦草。2020年进入国家林草品种区试
2. 李春杰,南志标,韩天虎,陈振江,陈泰祥,魏学凯,王剑锋,惠文。河西野大麦,2021年8月通过甘肃省草品种审定委员会,登记号:GS-CWV-2020-002。
3. 李春杰,南志标,韩天虎,陈振江,魏学凯,夏超,王炳煜。祁连醉马草,2021年8月通过甘肃省草品种审定委员会,登记号:GS-CWV-2020-003。
六、 专利、著作
1. 陈振江,李春杰,魏学凯,李振霞,陈昊. 禾草种带内生真菌种子镜检前一体化装置. 专利号:ZL 2018 2 1393252.5.
2. 陈振江,李春杰,魏学凯,曹莹. 一种便携式草地植被盖度野外调查框. 专利号:ZL 2016 2 1215339.4.
3. 著作:Taixaing Chen, Zhenjiang Chen, Chunjie Li. Epichlo? endophytes stimulate grass development and physiological state in China. Chapter In: James White, Samir Droby, Ajay Kumar (eds). Microbiome Stiumulants for Crops: Mechanisms and Applications, 41-53. Elsevier. ISBN:978-0-12-822160-0. DOI:http://doi.org/10.1016/C2019-0-04354-3
4. 著作:李春杰,陈振江,南志标,田沛. 第27章利用内生真菌创制多年生黑麦草抗逆新种质,见南志标,王彦荣,傅华,郭振飞,李春杰主编《乡土草抗逆生物学》,北京:科学出版社。2021,651-675.
七、 获奖情况