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2023年6月-至今 bat365在线官网登录入口 青年研究员
2023.06-2028.05 bet356唯一官网体育“双一流”人才引进科研启动经费
[1] Hongbiao Zi, Xin Jing, Anrong Liu, Xiaomin Fan, Si-Chong Chen, Hao Wang*, Jin-Sheng He. Simulated climate warming decreases fruit number but increases seed mass. Global Change Biology, 2023, 29(3), 841-855.
[2] Hongbiao Zi, Lei Hu, Changting Wang*. Distinct responses of soil bacterial communities to N and P fertilization in a Tibetan alpine meadow of China. Land Degradation & Development, 34(14), 4236-4251.
[3] Hongbiao Zi, Lei Hu, Changting Wang*. Differentiate responses of soil microbial community and enzyme activities to nitrogen and phosphorus addition rates in an alpine meadow. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 141.
[4] Hongbiao Zi, Lei Hu, Changting Wang*, Genxu Wang, Pengfei Wu, Manuel Lerdau, Luji Ade. Responses of soil bacterial community and enzyme activity to experimental warming of an alpine meadow. European Journal of Soil Science, 2018, 69(3), 429-438.
[5] Lei Hu#, Hongbiao Zi#, Xueping Luo, Manuel Lerdau, Changting Wang*. Root dynamics along a restoration chronosequence of revegetated grasslands in degraded alpine meadows of the Qinghai?Tibetan Plateau, China. Land Degradation & Development, 2021, 32(13), 3561-3572.
[6] Lei Hu#, Hongbiao Zi#, Pengfei Wu, Yong Wang, Manuel Lerdau, Xinwei, Changting Wang*. Soil bacterial communities in grasslands revegetated using Elymus nutans are largely influenced by soil pH and total phosphorus across restoration time. Land Degradation & Development, 2019, 30(18), 2243-2256.
[7] Xiang Wang, Hongbiao Zi, Jianbin Wang, Xiaowei Guo, Zhenhua Zhang, Tao Yan, Wang Qiang*, Jin-sheng He*. Grazing-induced changes in soil microclimate and aboveground biomass modulate freeze?thaw processes in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2023, 357, 108659.
[8] Shengjing Jiang*, Bowen Xiao, Xiaomin Fan, Yu Li, Xiaoliang Ma, Jianbin Wang, Bai Yue, Hongbiao Zi. Roles of plants in controlling the response of soil bacterial community to climate warming on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2022, 110, 103401.
[9] Keyu Chen, Lei Hu, Changting Wang*, Wengao Yang, Hongbiao Zi, Lerdau Manuel. Herbaceous plants influence bacterial communities, while shrubs influence fungal communities in subalpine coniferous forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 500, 119656.
[10] Lei Hu, Luji Ade, Xinwei Wu, Hongbiao Zi, Xueping Luo, Changting Wang*. Changes in soil C: N: P stoichiometry and microbial structure along soil depth in two forest soils. Forests, 2019, 10(2), 113.
[11] Luji Ade, Lei Hu, Hongbiao Zi, Chanting Wang*, Manuel Lerdau, Shikui Dong. Effect of snowpack on the soil bacteria of alpine meadows in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China. Catena, 2018, 164: 13-22.
[12] Changting Wang*, Xinquan Zhao, Hongbiao Zi, Lei Hu, Luji Ade, Genxu Wang, Manuel Lerdau. The effect of simulated warming on root dynamics and soil microbial community in an alpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Applied Soil Ecology, 2017, 116, 30-41.
[13] Changting Wang*, Genxu Wang, Pengfei Wu, Rashid Rafique, Hongbiao Zi, Xiangzhen Li*, Yiqi Luo. Effects of ant mounds on the plant and soil microbial community in an alpine meadow of Qinghai?Tibet plateau. Land Degradation & Development, 2017, 28(5), 1538-1548.
[14] Lei Hu, HongBiao Zi, LuJi Ade, Manuel Lerdau, Changting Wang*. Effects of zokors (Myospalax baileyi) on plant, on abiotic and biotic soil characteristic of an alpine meadow. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 103, 95-105.
[15] 字洪标, 陈焱, 胡雷, 王长庭*.氮肥添加对川西北高寒草甸植物群落根系动态的影响.植物生态学报, 2018, 42(01):38-49.
[16] 字洪标, 代迪, 胡雷, 阿的鲁骥, 王长庭*.川西北高寒草甸土壤微生物功能多样性对磷(P)添加的响应.土壤通报, 2017, 48(03):647-655.
[17] 字洪标, 向泽宇, 王根绪, 阿的鲁骥, 王长庭*.青海不同林分土壤微生物群落结构(PLFA).林业科学, 2017, 53(03):21-32.
[18] 字洪标, 刘敏, 阿的鲁骥, 胡雷, 王长庭*.三江源区不同建植年限对人工草地土壤微生物功能多样性的影响.生态学杂志, 2017, 36(04):978-987.
[19] 字洪标, 阿的鲁骥, 马力, 胡雷, 陈焱, 杨有芳, 王长庭*.高寒草甸不同类型草地群落根土比、土壤养分变化.西南农业学报, 2016, 29(12):2916-2921.
[20] 字洪标, 阿的鲁骥, 刘敏, 胡雷, 陈焱, 杨有芳, 王长庭*.高寒草甸不同类型草地群落特征及优势种植物生态位差异.应用与环境生物学报, 2016, 22(04):546-554.
[21] 字洪标, 胡雷, 阿的鲁骥, 王长庭*.不同退化演替阶段高寒草甸群落根土比和土壤理化特征分布格局.草地学报, 2015, 23(06):1151-1160.
担任The ISME Journal, Soil and Tillage Research, Land Degradation and Development, Applied Soil Ecology等期刊审稿人。
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